Quantum Field Theory III  (PHYSICS 253CR)

Quantum Field Theory III  (PHYSICS 253CR)

Xi Yin | Fall 2023 | Harvard University
An introduction to conformal field theories: conformal bootstrap via the conformal block expansion and semidefinite optimization, the Ising model in 2 and 3 dimensions, and the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions.


Lecture Notes

Conformal Field Theory
Geometric Interpretation of Conformal Symmetry
Basic Consequences of Conformal Symmetry in QFT
Using Conformal Block Decomposition
Linear Programming (Optimization)
4D Gauge Theories with Massless Matter
Deformation of the Background Metric
The "N = 4" Super-Yang-Mills Theory
The 1/N Expansion

Additional Notes

Mathematical Aspects of QM
Path integrals, index theorems, Morse theory, and instantons.
Foundational Aspects of QFT
Wightman axioms, scattering theory, form factors, lattice theory, and Borel resummation.

Problem Sets

Mathematica Demos

Final Projects