Xi Yin | Fall 2022 | Harvard University
Introduction to relativistic quantum field theory. Topics include path integral, perturbation theory, Feynman diagrams, renormalization, Green functions, scattering theory, spinor particle and fields, vector boson and gauge fields, quantum electrodynamics.
Lecture Notes
Lagrangian Formulation of Quantum Mechanics (QM)
Path integral, regularization
Perturbation theory, Feynman diagrams
Renormalization and counterterms
Relativistic Particles and Fields
φ⁴ theory
Green functions
Asymptotic states
S-matrix, LSZ reduction
Particles and Fields with Spin
Classification of relativistic particles
Fermions and gauge bosons
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
Applications: electron g-factor, Lamb shift
Additional Notes
Mathematical Aspects of QM
Path integrals, index theorems, Morse theory, and instantons.
Foundational Aspects of QFT
Wightman axioms, scattering theory, form factors, lattice theory, and Borel resummation.